Lifetime Student

I could happily be a fulltime student. I love to take classes. I like to study, to write papers, to learn new things. I’ve never minded tests. I have studied all my life.

I am currently enrolled in the Green River Community College for a semester of Spanish. I’m looking forward to learning a new language and to practicing it with my grandkids, who are way ahead of me in foreign language skills.

For many years I’ve belonged to a group called L.I.F.E., Learning Is ForEver. These are older folks, like me, who organize and attend classes on a variety of topics. A few years ago, a neurologist and I, both polio survivors, gave a class on polio. The next one that I’m signed up for is a presentation about the Prison Pet Partnership, which teaches women inmates to groom and train service dogs. I wrote about one of their dogs, a seizure-alert dog, in Shelter Dogs: Amazing Stories of Adopted Strays.  I’m also registered for a L.I.F.E. class/concert on harp music.

I’m looking into an animal training institute that uses only positive reinforcement, never punishment. The class that interests me is called Barky Dog Workshop. You will have to ask Lucy why I might want to take that particular one.

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