White plastic bowl

Today I fixed a salad for lunch, and used the white plastic bowl. I have many lovely pottery and china bowls but I chose the old plastic one because it holds, along with my lunch, happy memories.

On one of our motorhome trips I spoke at a school where the staff provided a potluck lunch. I’ve found that most teachers are good cooks, and Carl always loved it when we were invited to share a meal with educators. I don’t recall which school this was, or even what state we were in. I do remember that someone had brought a salad that Carl and I both raved about. When we prepared to leave that day, the teacher who had brought the yummy salad asked if we would like to take the leftover salad with us. Naturally, we accepted. 

She put the salad in a white plastic bowl. I offered to go get a container from the motorhome but she insisted the bowl was “just a cheap old thing” and sent us off with it. Well, that bowl IS a cheap old thing but every time I use it, I remember those happy days of traveling with my husband, talking to hundreds of excited kids, and sharing meals with generous teachers and librarians.

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